From the blog

Insights and opinions from the team at Pro-Active

How will you allocate your marketing budget next year?

Many of our clients use a number of channels to effectively market their business. Whilst print marketing and direct mail hold a firm footing on the marketing landscape, content, paid search and other online channels continue to dominate spend and effectiveness as a measurable marketing resource to marketing professionals.

Black Friday is a prime example of how we as both businesses and consumers have adapted and changed our buying behaviour to become more digital than traditional. This year, internet sales over the 24-hour period are expected to surpass £1bn for the first time in UK history. Ebay said it anticipates 9m Brits will visit its website on Black Friday, buying 25 items every second.

On Black Friday last year, British consumers spent £810m on online purchases alone. That works out to a rate of £9,375 every second.

As digital activity increases, businesses are becoming increasingly able at effectively measuring ROI from different digital channels as the graph below outlines.

Segmented Data

If you haven’t already started to think about allocating your marketing budget for next year, or find that marketing and online reputation for your business is always at the bottom of your priorities list, contact us for more information on our fully managed marketing services.