From the blog

Insights and opinions from the team at Pro-Active

London Review of Books to further extend PURL campaigns

LRB is an international fortnightly publication covering politics, culture and the arts. They were looking at new techniques to enhance and improve their subscriptions marketing.

LRB decided to test the concept of PURLs and Personalised Landing Pages. Their standard campaign comprised of a DM piece which was sent to of 98,773 prospects from the UK and overseas. As part of the test, 10% of this audience were to receive a PURL instead of a generic web address to which they could respond on a highly personalised mailing piece.

The results were astonishing. The ROI uplift in the UK was 31.2% and a staggering 43% for the rest of world.

In the next campaign, 50% of prospects will now receive a PURL.

John Noble
